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Union Bay Improvement District Board


From The Echo “Beefs and Bouquets” Oct. 11, 2013.  See, not everyone agrees with the “Hillbilly Union Bay Ethics” promoted by The UBID Board.   There is no fixing it as those controlling things here in the valley are either related (ugh)/friends which results in jobs going to those who couldn’t make it anywhere else.  Why do you think there are so many grown children with no prospects for jobs still with their parents?  They rely on someone they know getting them a job.  They can’t leave the valley because they simply couldn’t compete where standards are far higher than the rock bottom level acceptable here.

The numbers seem very high in Union Bay.  Why are so many in their thirties and up still hanging on to their parents?  Those that stay breed and dumb down the gene pool even more.  Breeding ground for ‘special needs’.  It appears to be a provincial belief as Christy Clark wants everyone to have jobs in BC so their kids can stay in BC  and be close to their parents.  WTF?

Kudos to those who submitted the beefs.  UBID is just as trustworthy as it has been with prior boards.  The present Board is every bit as open and transparent as the previous boards.  This board may as well close the doors like the previous board as they are manipulating the landowners, just like the previous board.

BEEF to the current board of Union Bay who have adopted the principle “plan for the worst and hope for the best”. The increase in taxes you have proposed is outrageous for such a small community given the fact that KIP is out of sight. Consider what is right for the community, not about a legacy you are planning. Consider joining Regional.

BEEF to employees who abuse the privilege they have by accessing areas they work in on weekends and after hours to hunt and collect wood. Bigger beef to those who know about it and turn their eyes.

TAG, like the Fake Union Bay Residents’ Association, started out as inclusive, democratic, and welcoming until their leaders manipulating ways were noticed and questioned.  These groups soon morphed into unofficial private clubs where membership was publicly encouraged but quickly discouraged if a potential member might question those in charge.  TAG became a political party operating UBID but refused to acknowledge it’s existence or answer any questions regarding their own party.  Like the Fake Union Bay Residents’ Association, TAG has self imploded but there is still a very little rag TAG Gollum clutching  precious email list appealing to TAG members to attend the meetings and support their candidates.


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